Thursday, October 20, 2022

Enactivism in the Poetry of the Mountains

Mountain top

Today, I thought about the act
of climbing the mountainous
terrain, the patience and laborious
journey to the peak, traveling
with my walking stick on sacred
ground, with each step one must
be observant and respectful of
the trail-way, my soft-skinned
moccasins touching the moist
earth sole to soul, crunching
autumn's brightly fallen leaves
inhaling, the fresh scent of pine
becoming a part of the wilderness

There is something special
happening when communing
with nature at such a height
exhilarating, yet humbling

It's an enactment of the journey
of the ancestor's of days gone past
that traveled lightly and understood
the importance of the land, growing
spiritually setting an intention, then
moving forward one step at a time

It's about the vibrational energy
one sends out into the universe
it's about sitting in silence on a
giant boulder, taking in autumn's
offerings, leaning against a giant
maple tree for support in the quest
of understanding, peeling one's layer
of skin amongst the birch trees 

It's about seeking something
other worldly, walking with
the shadow people, soaring
with the eagle up high

It's about discovering a fresh
perspective in life, drinking
from the cup of water, earth
sky and wind

linking with earthweal
hosted by Lindi

Thank you for visiting


  1. This is beautiful

  2. I think you enacted the web of voice in nature wonderfully here!

    1. Thank you, it was a laborious act of love, hiking the peak quenching an inner thirst for a new perspective in the quest called life.

  3. It is all that! Sadly so many never experience it.

    1. That is true, Alex! The journey of life is difficult and circumstances often hinder the traveler to reach the desired destination.

      Wishing everyone safe travels….

  4. "it’s about seeking something/other worldly, walking with/the shadow people, soaring/with the eagle.." It is indeed. The mountains take us so much farther than just up. I like the vision here very much.

    1. Thanks! You are right the journey does stretch wider than up. I snapped this photo just before reaching the peak.

  5. This is so beautiful, calming and uplifting. I walked with you up the mountain. I could see it all. I especially love "drinking
    from the cup of water, earth sky and wind."

    1. Thank you, my friend so wonderful to have you travel with me!

  6. Your poem reads like a gulp of much-needed fresh air in these dark, congested times!

    1. Thank you! Sometimes one needs a deep inhale of freshness.

  7. Walking on the ancient trails of our ancestors...we all need that to refresh our spirits. (Kerfe)

    1. Yes, I think it brings restoration. thank you...

  8. Sorry for the late response. Such a beautiful fresh air read
    Loved the walking with the shadow people - soaring with the eagle up high.
    Must have been an incredible hike.

  9. It's about discovering a fresh
    perspective in life,

    Very True, True! There is something that works itself out without us realising it! Hank is ok Ma'am!


