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The weather fits my mood today
rainy with heavy lingering clouds
all I see out the window are crows
dark and ominous in their flight
last night, I had a disturbing dream
there were hundreds of baby turtles
dying at my feet, how many more
will die on their quest to find life
saving waters….
Today, I ponder the wonder of love
it used to inspire me, much like
days of clear blue skies and the
smell of jasmine on a spring day
but, not today…. I look out the
window and see the trees are still
not fully clothed…caught in between
waiting to bloom under this dome of doom
much like me..
just another rain gear day, here
or maybe no water-repellent garb
I'll just walk in the cold rain
as it pounds the earth
puddles forming at my feet
and let it soak me in heaven's
Today, I recall days when I was full of life
composing uplifting poetry and
songs, trying to convey messages
from my heart to you…but, today
all I can compose is the blues or
perhaps, muster up enough energy
to sing dirges in the dark, summoning
haunting ghosts of you and I…walking
in the shadows of yesterday,
nothing last forever they sing, perhaps,
they are right...gone are my dreams of
you and I...wiping a tear from my eye...
somewhere, love died....but, I am
sure you survived....
Writer's Digest 2024 April Pad Challenge day 18
For today's prompt, write a pessimistic poem. Think about what's gone wrong