Sunday, April 21, 2024

One Dance, One Chance

Free Vintage Victorian vector and picture
Courtesy of Pixabay







Tell me there’s time for that mystical dance
we’ll create magic under the moon and stars
our worlds meeting, while we have the chance
tell me there’s time for that mystical dance
we’ll write a lyrical ode to poetic romance
there will never be another story like ours
tell me there’s time for that mystical dance
we’ll create magic under the moon and stars

Writer's Digest 2024 April Pad Challenge Day 21 

For today's prompt, write a trope poem. For most people, tropes are common plot devices used in certain genres. In romance, for example, the "different worlds" 


  1. Tough challenge but you came up with something really good.

  2. I love that, no matter what, there is ALWAYS the possibility of magic!
