Thursday, May 2, 2024

Box of Dreams

Free desk map book illustration
Courtesy of Pixabay

It’s said everyone has a box of unopened dreams
some are lost upon wakening in the morning sun
some pieces drift away in the dense fog of night
some seem out of reach, like trying to touch a star
some are fragments from another time and space
some just don’t find a way to manifestation….

I found a box filled with dreams inside….

How do we open these boxes of unopened dreams
do we set intentions before the sandman appears
do we look for symbols and signs in the crevices of time
do we dare to take a deeper look into hidden places
do we sail our ship of dreams into uncharted waters
do we fight dragons in hopes of finding our internal fire
do we navigate into worlds unknown, for answers
tell me, how do we open this mystery box of dreams

I found a box filled with dreams inside

Perhaps, all it takes it to open your mind to possibilities
dust off the cobwebs, so good dreams can filter through
close your eyes, travel the roads to your place of heart
put yourself center stage, this is your life, your story
find the courage, to open your one-of-a-kind dream box
remember, dreams are meant to be lived…believe...

I found a box filled with dreams inside

dVerse MTB: Boxing Clever to the Bop 

Hosted by Laura


  1. "Perhaps, all it takes it to open your mind to possibilities"

    much 🤍love

    1. Thanks Gillena, may your dreams be filled with possibilities.

  2. Yes... we need to do that... but also let's beware of "false" dreams that we never really want to come true... love the thought of a box of dreams

    1. False dreams interesting terminology for dreams. Perhaps, those dreams are better left unopened. The dreamer is the only one who can truly interpret the dream. Evil will always exist. That is why we all need a dreamcatcher to filter good and bad dreams.

  3. That’s an interesting thought, Truedessa, that box of unopened dreams, and I know that ‘some are lost upon wakening in the morning sun / some pieces drift away in the dense fog of night’. I love the questions in the second stanza, but mostly I love the suggestion to ‘dust off the cobwebs, so good dreams can filter through’. I will try it.

    1. Thank you Kim, I keep dream journals and try to write down what I remember in the morning. Sometimes, the fragments become clearer as time progresses. I have my dust buster handy.when dreams get too heavy

  4. AnonymousMay 03, 2024

    I loved this Bop of dreams - has such a lovely rythm too like a gentle awakening

    1. Thank you, the ebb and flow of dreams. into the morning light.

  5. Love how you composed this bop, Truedessa, spinning the perplexity of how to “open this mystery box of dreams” into a beautiful encouragement to “dust off the cobwebs” with courage and belief. An inspiring write.

    1. Thanks Dora, may your dreams be good ones.

  6. I do love the positivity of having a box of dreams to open, live all those possibilities. Inspires me to do so, thank you! :)

    1. Dreams keep us moving, hopefully, in a positive direction.

  7. Beautifully and gently executed. Love it!

  8. AnonymousMay 04, 2024

    Lovely. I especially liked 'dust off the cobwebs'. Have a grand weekend. Sandra

    1. Thank you Sandra, hopefully, your weekend has been a good one.

  9. A box of unopened dreams....I love that. I have an actual box with special cards, letters from someone who was important to me back then, some photos.......packed with memories......and some unopened dreams too. A beautiful poem.

    1. Thanks Sherry, I have a dream box too, filled with special treasures.

  10. Sounds like you also have let a Test Vehicle into your box, AI. You will be its proving ground.

    1. Ha, interesting comment, I am not a fan of AI.

  11. Dreams are definitely hard to keep hold of, and fragile if held too tightly. Excellent write True.✌🏼 🫶🏼

    1. Thank you Rob! I agree dreams must be handled with care.

  12. Very inspirational examination of dreams. I read once, "move, and the universe moves with you." Sometimes trying to figure out every detail is paralyzing. Just move toward it and see what happens...

    1. I agree with that statement, I know when I stop over thinking, plans come together more organically.

  13. I love this...just the idea of unopened box of dreams is so lovely!

  14. I love the idea of a box of dreams, all the possibities waiting.
