Saturday, May 18, 2024

A Riot of Flowers

Free Tulips Flowers photo and picture
courtesy of Pixabay








I beheld a riot of brightly colored flowers
focusing on the array of  beautiful tulips
shimmering after the morning showers
the park alive with smiling faces and music
there’s a treasured song in my heart, I call ours
poetic lyrics written in the realm of my dreams
the night is filled with unexplainable encounters
how to cultivate the seeds of love, I am clueless
perhaps, today, it's just about enjoying flowers

written for dVerse - Hosted by Grace
Poetry Form Magic 9


  1. Gardening is such a good metaphor for growing relationships and love...

  2. At this time of the season, I love the riot of brightly colored flowers. Love this part best: there’s a treasured song in my heart, I call ours
    poetic lyrics written in the realm of my dreams.

  3. A riot of flowers - you have coined a new term!

  4. I can see all those blooms..........I resonate with "perhaps, today, it's just about enjoying flowers."

  5. I agree wit Sherry. Its all about the flowers and riot of colors.

  6. A lovely magic 9 poem ... flowers rioting ~~ what a concept!

  7. How lovely! "A riot of flowers" it!

  8. AnonymousMay 22, 2024

    I love this. I'm looking forward to reading one on lilies of the valley and you and your grandmother;)

  9. I love the strong and bright imagery of the opening lines, and how your poem fades (in a wonderful way) to a gentle peacefulness.
