Monday, December 2, 2024

You Drew Stars

Free Rose Flower photo and picture
courtesy of Pixabay

 Once, you drew stars around my scars in dreams under a midnight sky.  In my place of refuge far from the waking world you were a conjurer of words. I a willing apprentice absorbed in a fable like story created by some heavenly script writer.  The stars were so bright that I had to close my eyes for fear that the clarity of a love story would end in some twisted plot.

Watching you swagger across the stage of another realm offering pieces of your heart in return I gave you pieces of mine.  You a troubadour of song and I a lady of poetic words.  We danced, affectionate lovers,  across the page, cheek to cheek whispering sonnets rhyming words and worlds. 

Then, someone drew the curtain and we exited side stage.  You went your way and I went mine a wicked blue ending. 

Written for dVerse - Prosery
hosted by Bjorn writing prosery
incorporating the selected line from

“You drew stars around my scars”

from the song Cardigan taken from her record Folklore.


  1. Yes indeed " a wicked blue ending"
    Nice one!!!


  2. Some loves are not meant to be, for one reason or another. I enjoyed your tale. :)

  3. It sounds so much like the drifting apart that is so common in a romance, moving from falling in love into lifetime friendship is a true challenge.

  4. As beautiful a prose piece as your poetry!

  5. "We danced, affectionate lovers, across the page, cheek to cheek whispering sonnets rhyming words and worlds." What a delight to read, Truedess, and I read it as a dance between reader and writer, both switching places, exiting when the curtain in drawn. Yet while the pleasure lasts, what a love story!

  6. A beautiful and poignant love melancholy, that wicked blue ending.

  7. Intriguing - the parting, presaged by the curtains, was it being exposed to others or was it already fading, I like that.

  8. A beautiful poem. So special while it lasted, and then that "wicked blue ending." I am sorry it ended that way.
