Monday, February 24, 2025

Indigo Horizon

Free Bird Bunting photo and picture
courtesy of pixabay bird bunting indigo

It was the season of indigo nights
a time of tranquility and mystery
 it was a frenzy of new poetic heights

It was the season of indigo nights
traveling places of the heart
spreading wings in fragile flight

The deepest indigo horizon
was ours…

posted for dVerse Quadrille Monday
hosted by Lillian writing a 44 word
quadrille incorporating "indigo"

Thank you for visiting

Thursday, February 20, 2025

Through the Green Pines

Free Pinecone Pine Tree photo and picture
Courtesy of Pixabay

 At night, under a clear sky, I dream of you
drifting through the portal of another time
a lullaby whispering through green pines

poetry echoes throughout this soul of blue
wandering alone seeking life's subtle rhymes
at night, under a clear sky, I dream of you
drifting through the portal of another time

whirling in darkness until light comes in view
in the grand scheme of things, is love sublime
reality and fantasy too difficult to define
at night, under a clear sky, I dream of you
drifting through the portal of another time
a lullaby whispering through green pines


written for dVerse
hosted by Grace writing an English Madrical 

Author's note: I am not sure how I  did but, thanks for reading
I haven't been feeling well, so my mind is still a bit hazy.

Also linking with What's Going On - Light
hosted by Susan

Wednesday, February 19, 2025

Somewhere Beyond the Stars

Free Space Galaxy ai generated image and illustration
Courtesy of Pixabay

Somewhere beyond the stars
there’s a story waiting to unfold
in dreams one can traverse far
tis, you my heart wishes to behold

Fill my eyes with heaven’s light
whispering songs of archaic breeze
traveling the river of poetic night
my thoughts and words drift free

Praying that cosmic energy aligns
navigating where stars are born
never intersecting in parallel time
love tends to have hidden thorns

Wandering the realms of dreams
spilling mystical verses upon the page
caught somewhere in the between
perhaps, a dragon never truly ages

Soaring on wings in an inky sky
soulmates in another universe
a rhythmical beat one can’t deny
tonight, the blue moon is luminous

Somewhere beyond the stars
there’s a story waiting to unfold
in dreams one can traverse far
tis, you my heart wishes to behold

Author's note:  written for a friend part of a wip....a bigger story where poetic verses are interwoven ...

May light always find a way.... 

linking with dVerse - Open Link Night
hosted by Mish

Monday, February 10, 2025


Free Moon Blood Moon illustration and picture
Courtesy of Pixabay








Romanticizing an orb of light
creates an illusion of perfection
but, in reality it exposes imperfection

Romanticizing the radiant moon
poets have written sonnets of
adoration about her mystical beauty  

Be watchful of her dark side passing
through earth's shadow playing
with vulnerable hearts...

linking with dVerse Quadrille #217
hosted by De Writing a 44 word Quadrille
incorporating "zing"

Author's note:  I am unable to comment at dVerse
but, I have been reading. Seems to be associated
with word press.

Thursday, February 6, 2025

Morn of Creation

Free Garbage Trash photo and picture
Courtesy of Pixabay

I don't feel like writing poetry today
weaving words into pieces of magic
creating something artful out of clay
if words didn't  shape would it be tragic

I don't feel like writing poetry today
is a visual enough, white snow falling
the sky winter gray, no sign of a sun-ray
the morn of creation is a gentle calling

I don't feel like writing poetry today
yet, here I am contemplating words
can poetic verses slay dragons at play
searching for the right nouns and verbs

I don't feel like writing poetry today
tossing crumbs of internal thoughts
wandering lost, has the path gone away
dreaming of trees of ivy and green moss

I don't feel like writing poetry today
freezing rain hits the window pane
circling outside hungry birds of prey
listening to the hissing ice pellets refrain

I don't feel like writing poetry today
but, somehow this poem found a way

linking with What's Going On
hosted by Mary

Monday, February 3, 2025

Predictably Unpredictable

Free Groundhog Flowers illustration and picture
Courtesy of Pixabay

Groundhog Phil saw his shadow and winter will prevail for six more weeks.  Why, am I not surprised? It’s been a harsh winter with bitter cold and snow squalls.  I got caught in one last week. 

It came out of nowhere on my afternoon walk.  The clouds rolled in quickly and the wind picked up howling as the trees moaned in protest.  Time to seek shelter as visibility was low, white out conditions.  My friend, her dog and I took shelter in the park gazebo.  Hanging on the rail fearing we might be blown over by the force of the gusty wind. Tully, guarding us from exiting the gazebo waiting for a sign.  

After about twenty minutes of intense snowfall and ferocious wind the storm pushed eastward and blue sky slowly appeared.  A sigh of relief, as I continued on my journey homeward.  In silence,  I prayed for an early spring. I am hoping Phil's prediction will prove wrong.

winter lingers into March
waiting for spring signs

linking with dVerse Haibun Monday
hosted by Frank 

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