Monday, February 10, 2025


Free Moon Blood Moon illustration and picture
Courtesy of Pixabay








Romanticizing an orb of light
creates an illusion of perfection
but, in reality it exposes imperfection

Romanticizing the radiant moon
poets have written sonnets of
adoration about her mystical beauty  

Be watchful of her dark side passing
through earth's shadow playing
with vulnerable hearts...

linking with dVerse Quadrille #217
hosted by De Writing a 44 word Quadrille
incorporating "zing"

Author's note:  I am unable to comment at dVerse
but, I have been reading. Seems to be associated
with word press.


  1. I saw somewhere wordpress is having troubles today - a glitch. One rarely thinks of the dark side of the moon when looking at its silvery face........I remember when the astronauts made that passage behind the moon, holding our breath till they emerged.

  2. Romancing the moon - love it!

  3. Oh, I love this. I adore the moon, and writing about her. This is beautiful.

    I have been having a TON of trouble commenting all over, today. Mostly Wordpress, but also some others. Hoping it's resolved quickly, because it's a little maddening. Madden-zing. ;)


  4. Nicely done, Truedessa. I like the way you show both sides things considered romantic!

  5. I love how you incorporated the prompt word, Truedessa, and how you pondered on the moon. I agree that we must ‘be watchful of her dark side passing through earth's shadow playing with vulnerable hearts...’

  6. I feel that the brightness of the moon cannot outshine the darkness I feel.

  7. The last stanza is almost a poem in itself.
    Poets do love the moon! Cleverly done.

  8. So beautifully done, Truedessa!
