Thursday, February 6, 2025

Morn of Creation

Free Garbage Trash photo and picture
Courtesy of Pixabay

I don't feel like writing poetry today
weaving words into pieces of magic
creating something artful out of clay
if words didn't  shape would it be tragic

I don't feel like writing poetry today
is a visual enough, white snow falling
the sky winter gray, no sign of a sun-ray
the morn of creation is a gentle calling

I don't feel like writing poetry today
yet, here I am contemplating words
can poetic verses slay dragons at play
searching for the right nouns and verbs

I don't feel like writing poetry today
tossing crumbs of internal thoughts
wandering lost, has the path gone away
dreaming of trees of ivy and green moss

I don't feel like writing poetry today
freezing rain hits the window pane
circling outside hungry birds of prey
listening to the hissing ice pellets refrain

I don't feel like writing poetry today
but, somehow this poem found a way

linking with What's Going On
hosted by Mary


  1. I love the repeated line, and the premise of not feeling like writing poetry, and yet a poem somehow insists on happening, a feeling we poets know well. Made me smile.

  2. Lovely! Seems the poem wanted to write itself and would not be silenced. :)

  3. "can poetic verses slay dragons at play" YES, and maybe human monsters at work, who knows? The way your one line repeats makes me feel that the entire poem is stream of consciousness, and then you snap back to your declaration. Sometimes my poems fight against my practical mind, too, and it takes staying power to find the poem.

  4. Thanks for writing poetry today, Truedessa. Sometimes one just has to sit down and let the words, whatever they are, come! I empathize with your thought...sometimes I don't feel like writing either. But I am always glad when I do.

  5. I enjoyed this spontaneous flow of words, rhythm and the way the poem finds its way to greet us. I also love the tender 'creation of morn' and the question if poetry can 'slay dragons at play'. Beautiful.
