Monday, October 14, 2024

Autumn's Serenade

Free Colorful Autumn photo and picture
Courtesy of Pixabay

 There is beauty in the way
sunlight illuminates the red
and orange-yellow leaves
of the oak and maple trees

rolling mountainside comes to
life in a brilliant array of colors

and I have fallen for autumn's
passionate serenade

a blue-rooted tune stirs
my soul 

written for dVerse
writing a 44 quadrille
incorporating the word "light"
hosted by De

Thank you for visiting and reading

For my Canadian friends - Happy Thanksgiving

Thursday, October 10, 2024

Wayward Star

 Free Shooting Star Sky vector and picture

Up the rugged path you will find the highest point of perspective.  Here on this sacred ground you will feel the ancestors from days past.  In the stillness, there is  a presence whispering praises of hope up to the desolate moon.

The great horned owl perched high in the white birch tree eyes the travelers who dare to sojourn up to the summit.  The maples and oaks shake off their dying leaves in silence, only to be heard again beneath the crunching of weary feet.  The air smells of earthly and woodsy scents.

There you can see a very small patch of dark blue, framed by a little branch, pinned up by a naughty star orbiting to its own beat in the vast universe.  Climbing to the highest destination to catch a glimpse of a wayward star.  I ponder, can you tame a star? They are unique and their true beauty is in their shiny imperfections.

linking with dVerse
open link night - Hosted by Sanaa

I missed an earlier prompt this week dVerse Prosery hosted by Kim
The challenge to write prosery incorporating the following lines

“There you can see a very small patch
Of dark blue, framed by a little branch,
Pinned up by a naughty star”

Thursday, October 3, 2024


 Free Coffee Pen photo and picture


Today, I scribbled poetic notes
infused with melodies of blues
hoping you would read what I wrote
today, I scribbled poetic notes
searching for a beautiful quote
leaving you with heartfelt clues
today, I scribbled poetic notes
infused with melodies of blues


Searching the library for a book
so many adventures to choose
a time machine everywhere I look
searching the library for a book
reading romance in a cozy nook
entertaining my passionate muse
searching the library for a book
so many adventures to choose


In my notebook brimming with dreams
penned are my wanderings of night
stories unfold with changing scenes
in my notebook brimming with dreams
inked pages, all is not as it seems
drifting into times pulsating light
in my notebook brimming with dreams
penned are my wandering of night


written for dVerse
hosted by Laura
challenge writing 3 stanza with a compound word as an option
and for an added challenge write in the form of a triolet

 author's note: Today, I did go to the library to search for a new book to read.  I could spend hours in there so many choices.

Tuesday, October 1, 2024

Stringing Stars

Free Star Winter illustration and picture
Courtesy of Pixabay

 I would string glistening stars for you
lighting the way out of darkness
chasing away melancholy blues
composing a song, we’ll call progress
moving beyond this worldly view
there a place where we can decompress
singing songs of hope to see us through

written for dVerse
writing a 44 word quadrille incorporating the word "string"
hosted by Lisa

Thank you for reading

Friday, September 20, 2024

Seasons Change

Summer prepares to wave goodbye
fall approaches with crisp cool air
seeing a praying mantis is rare
overhead the great blue heron flies

In poetic beauty the willow cries
her long thin boughs seem to flare
fall approaches with colorful fanfare
summer prepares to wave goodbye

The falling leaves are colored died
cheery songbirds have flown elsewhere
two mourning doves cooing a prayer
overhead the great blue heron flies

Summer prepares to wave goodbye
intricate spiderwebs are now threadbare
overhead the great blue heron flies

written for dVerse
hosted by Grace writing to the form of a Villonnet

Thursday, September 19, 2024

River of Change

Free River Mountains photo and picture
Courtesy of Pixabay







I paddle my canoe on the river of change
    the current has shifted over the years
but, steady stands the mountain range
    even as the four winds switch gears

the current has shifted over the years
    ancient waterways rumble and gurgle
even as the four winds switch gears
    witness the beauty of a basking turtle

Where and when the river divides
The choice is mine on which way to steer

the ancient waterways rumble and gurgle
    my heart and nature sing with each dip
even as the four winds gently shift gears
    the journey can be an adventurous trip

my heart and nature sing with each dip
    but steady stands the mountain range
the journey can be an adventurous trip
    I paddle my canoe on the river of change

Where and when the river divides
The choice is mine on which way to steer 

written for  What's Going On? Choices
hosted by Mary - I think I steered a little
off of the intended prompt.

Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Partial Eclipse

Free Moon Astronomy photo and picture
Courtesy of Pixabay

What magical power draws me towards the light
I ponder the magnetic attraction of the full moon
drinking intoxicating potion from a lunar saloon
partial eclipse, shadows,  a sky-watchers delight

In the corners of my mind, I believed in love
wandering lost, looking for an evening escape
you were a story I found in the dreamscape
a partial eclipse of the heart, pieces of love

I think the night is where poetry is created
soaring the heavens trying to touch the stars
it is where lonely dreamers write memoirs
where words don’t need to be translated

wishing under a full moon seems antiquated
how to change the story that once was us
perhaps, just let it rest in the comic dust
from beginning to end it seemed ill-fated

 written for dVerse
hosted by Kim

The poem I would like you write is about the end of something: the end of a season, a relationship, a story, a letter, a journey, a dream, a life, the world, etc

I am not sure which ending it best describes per the prompt.  

author's note:  I sat outside and watched the partial eclipse last night - I have some photos but, the partial was hard to capture but, I did get that glorious harvest moon.