Tuesday, May 29, 2018

103 Dragon Hill

Dragon Hill

 She resides at 103 Dragon Hill
mystic castle overlooking the sea
beneath a starry sky, winds still
soaring in dreams, she is set free

following the songs of her heart
searching for mysterious keys
her knight awaits,  her lips part
soaring in dreams, she is set free

enchantment, a magical spell
slumbering under a willow tree
within her soul true love dwells
soaring in dreams, she is set free

author's note - written for dVerse
hosted by Sarah - writing poetry
to street names 

Sunday, May 20, 2018

Standing in the Ruins

photo credit - Truedessa

Our story etched in red sandstone
manifesting in times, unknown
pictographs of who and what we are
symbols of the sun, moon and stars

in ancient ruins we bare our souls
songs linger after the last drum-roll
listen and you will hear the rattles
feel the scars of our many battles

musicians, poets and dreamers
visionaries, we were believers
warriors of heart, mind and spirit
planting seeds for you to inherit

ancient dwellers, leaving sacred songs
here melodies of our hearts belong
will the beat survive modern times
mystical verses chanted in rhyme

may our journey never fade away
withstanding storms in rocks and clay
on wings of eagles and hawks we fly
catching the updraft soaring blue sky

leaving pieces of ourselves behind
mysteries unsolved, trails to find
stories have a beginning and end
the prologue is yet to be penned

will you bring honor to our quest? 
remember the beginning and not forget
a picture is worth a thousand words to us
deciphering our words, in you we trust

sharing with Poets United

Tuesday, May 15, 2018

Scented Nights

unknown artist

Dreams of you unfold in white linen sheets
listening to the songs of Romantica,  lost
in the cosmos  my soul searches for you

Diamonds lace the neck of heaven and I
am caught in the allure of a parallel world
revealing beautiful moments, untold stories

Opening the red door to my heart, I let you in
would you ambush my love, devouring passion
lying in the scent of our love, sedated

author's note: posted for dVerse

hosted by Lillian writing Brand Name Poetry
I chose the perfume category