Saturday, September 5, 2020

The Hawk and the Willow

It seemed like a normal September day as,  I  set out on foot  for my daily walk.  The air had a different quality there was a sense of external energy.  My heart quickened a few beats.  What was out there calling  this late summer day?  Searching  the sky it seemed unusually quiet until, I heard the deafening screech of a crow.  

He came out of nowhere it seemed. A red-tailed hawk circling the lake putting on an aerobatic performance.  I stared upward at this beauty and thought come closer so,  I might see your magnificent red feathers.  He flew to the willow tree up ahead. I quickened my pace. Where are you, my friend?   I saw you fly here.  The willow boughs seemed to bend from weight.  Suddenly, a scream pierced my ears Eeeeee.  There he was in the willow looking down at me  screaming out his message. In stunned surprise,  I shouted,  " I see you."  Standing, silently,  under the willow boughs.  I  whispered, "what do you share with me this day?" He flew to the peak of a pine tree that stood nearby, surveying his surroundings. 

He took off circling the lake, a hunter searching for his prey.  What would be his meal this day?  A fish, mole or small mouse.  Nature seemed to grow still.  Just the hawk, willow and I. He descended into the water missing his mark.  Some crows nearby,  grew anxious in the trees.  My eyes followed him in his endeavor.  I saw him dive down and I thought he had caught something but, what?  He flew to the top of another tree.  I quickly made my way there.  A crow stood guard.  On a branch above the crow,   I observed  the hawk,  he had his prey a small field mouse.  I contemplated, will that be enough to fill your belly?  The meek mouse struggling. Feeling the angst of the situation.  I caught myself thinking of life. The helpless and meek are often devoured by the strong.  So many struggles in our journey.  The hawk had his prey and I prayed for understanding.

I stood there wondering what is the message this day?  Then he took off as two feathers fluttered to my feet.  He had gifted me a wing and tail feather.  I picked them up giving thanks.

weeping willow tree
bending from summer's pressure
red-tail hawk screeches

author's note:  This is my haibun about the" Hawk and the Willow"  and my surreal adventure. What would you take from this encounter?  What speaks to your heart? Coincidence, sychroncity or something a bit more on a late summer day?

sharing with earthweal

Thank you for visiting - Happy Weekend

Hawks, willows & messages 


  1. The beauty of the wild, so beautifully told. The wild has its own hierarchy - it can seem cruel, though less so than humans whose actions are conscious and wilful. I could see the scene so clearly, like a most glorious painting come to life. I love the haiku especially. And I loved that, when you saw him, you asked him what his message was. In my dream, early this morning, I was in a room full of puppies. Someone told me I had to leave and I said "But I want to stay with the puppies." Then I woke up. Sigh.

  2. What a fabulous moment to witness. I am so the hawk gifted you feathers - what a wonderful treasure to receive - Suzanne of Wordpress blog - Mapping Uncertainty

  3. The feathers will remind you that life goes on...

  4. The feathers were a lovely gift. Nature is both beautiful and harsh.

  5. Hi Truedessa - Life is amazing ... I'd no idea what a haibun is - so thank you for introducing me to that literary form. Our imaginations can take us where we will ... I've always loved the Jonathon Seagull story ... your Hawk is a blessing ... all life is. take care - Hilary

  6. Shows that life continues and even the hunter can lose some of its luster.
