Sunday, May 16, 2021


Tree, Sunset, Clouds, Sky, Silhouette, Hill, Sea, Ocean
courtesy of Pixabay


Fierce love in a spring sunset

shifting swiftly  from day to night

love is a song one never forgets


a crimson heart blazing in the sky

birds flutter to their nesting sites

  poets let out a collective sigh


owls awaken to nocturnal life

dreamers unfurling wings

searching heaven for paradise


somewhere,  a shaman softly drums

eternal phoenix shines yellow gold

inspiring visions that will soon come


fierce love in a spring sunset

majestic beauty, wild and untamed

love is a song one never forgets


linking with .earthweal

Open link, I missed 

Sherry's weekly challenge

Fierce Love


Thank you for visiting



  1. Oh True, how absolutely beautiful. "love is a song one never forgets". Fierce love for the beauty of the planet. So happy to read this.

  2. This poem gives me a wonderful sense that we will find a way forward despite appearances. Love is the beacon. Suzanne - Mapping Uncertainty

  3. No, one never forgets a love grown fierce in the heart. It beats a shaman drum there.

  4. The budding of first love...
