Wednesday, March 9, 2022

What Do You See

river preserve











I ask you, what do you see
do you see a fallen tree
that once stood tall along
the river edge or do you
see something more

I ask you, what do  you see
do you see transformation
from a living species to a
drying species, unable to
weather the storms

I ask you, what do you see
do you see a great buck
symbolism of regeneration
do you see the black bear
that swam across the river
from the mountains in search
of an adventure

I ask you, what do you see
do you see the swagger of
the bobcat that roams 
these preserved lands

I ask you, what do you see
do you see the feathered
winged friends fluttering 
from tree to tree, do you see 
the heron fishing with patience

I ask you, what do you see
do you see the squirrels and
chipmunks scampering about
searching for nuts and berries
do you see the raccoons and

I ask you, what do you see
do you see the ancient maps
of the ancestors of the land
carved out in time promoting
healing in the spiritual quest

Tell me, what do you see
do you see that I am a hybrid
of all the animal spirits
that I have encountered

Tell me, what do you see

linking with earthweal

writing animal poetry

author's note:  I find this photo
amazing as I can see many animal
spirits hidden within the old growth


  1. Sure a mixture indeed. I can see quite a few in the shot too.

  2. I love this so much. There are whole ecosystems there and so many people just see a dead tree. One of my new favourites of yours, True.

  3. Yes, a panoply of animal kindred in that tree, and a wonderful welcome of them in this "hybrid" eye woven into them all. Great stuff Truedessa.

  4. Lovely. Such a blurring of boundaries between here.

  5. I can definitely see the great buck!

  6. Well done. And I do see a great buck;)

  7. There is more around us than we deserve, or can ever absorb.

  8. I'm seeing a lot of downed trees around lately, and it worries me...let's hope we don't destroy the habitat of all these spirit animals!

  9. To look in, beyond, and through instead of just AT is a gift. I didn't see the end coming, but when it did, I loved it. To see as you describe would take sitting quietly a while. Then all the doors of perception will open.

    1. Susan, thank you for such a reflective comment. It means a lot to me. Thank you
