Monday, February 27, 2023

Half-Hearted Mood

Free Half Moon Moon photo and picture
Courtesy of Pixabay


Early morning, the half moon illuminates the sky.  Gazing out at the celestial scene, I sigh. In the quiet moment, time seems to stand still, unwavering as the tall pines. The night shifts as the sun rises slowly over the horizon.

I give a half-hearted smile to the tune of the Monday blues.  Waving good-bye to the stars and moon. My dreams are now fragments resting in the darkness.  I pour myself a cup of warm herbal tea.

Flock of geese
snowstorm moving north
bud-less trees

linking with dVerse
hosted by Frank - writing a Haibun
about the mezza luna

Thank you for your visit...


Monday, February 20, 2023

Embracing Poetry and Music

Silhouette illustration of a couple dancing Silhouette illustration of a couple dancing under the blue light sillouttes watzing stock illustrations
Courtesy of Pixabay








The day music and poetry
embraced, magic happened
inspiration in the dance
of words and notes

    rhythm, melodies and
    repetition plays with human
    emotions, touching the soul 

        sing me a sonnet, a ballad
        from you heart and I will
        hear a work of art

linking with dVerse
writing a quadrille of 44 words
incorporating the word "music"
hosted by Linda

Thank you for visiting 

Leonard Cohen - Dance Me to the End of Love
a beautiful collaboration of music and poetry....

Monday, February 13, 2023

I think Broken Dreams and Spring

Today, I feel a gentle touch of renewed hope circulating in the air  The noon-day sun is shining and the birds are flying in a cloudless sky.  I hear a cardinal's song in the distance.  It has been too long since I have heard bird songs.  My heart flutters feather light.

Two bald eagles swoop in from the north circling overhead.  They seem to float on wings of grace.  I wonder, are they mates?  Gazing heavenward, they shift direction and soar over the tall pines.  

I think spring, this year's a different thing. I'll not think of you, broken dreams.  Instead, I will plant seeds of possibilities in the days and weeks ahead.  Rejoicing when the tulips and daffodils are in bloom.  Spring will sing a lifting song, thawing winter’s melancholic mood.

linking with dVerse

 hosted by Merril
write a piece of Prosery using the
following line in the Prose.

“This year’s a different thing, –
I’ll not think of you.”

from from Charlotte Mew, "I So Like Spring"

Peace, light and love to all!!

Monday, February 6, 2023

Winter Sky - Elusive Wonder

original source unknown

On a bitter-cold winter night
my heart lets out a heavy sigh
a rare green comet takes flight

the heavens have an endless glow
I wish you were here with me
as the arctic winds begin to blow

some stars are worth waiting for....

linking with dVerse
hosted by De writing
a 44 word quadrille incorporating
the word "star"

Thank you for visiting...

Author's note:  I have been trying to view
the green comet in some extreme frigid
temperatures.  It seems elusive...