Monday, February 27, 2023

Half-Hearted Mood

Free Half Moon Moon photo and picture
Courtesy of Pixabay


Early morning, the half moon illuminates the sky.  Gazing out at the celestial scene, I sigh. In the quiet moment, time seems to stand still, unwavering as the tall pines. The night shifts as the sun rises slowly over the horizon.

I give a half-hearted smile to the tune of the Monday blues.  Waving good-bye to the stars and moon. My dreams are now fragments resting in the darkness.  I pour myself a cup of warm herbal tea.

Flock of geese
snowstorm moving north
bud-less trees

linking with dVerse
hosted by Frank - writing a Haibun
about the mezza luna

Thank you for your visit...



  1. The Sun messes up a lot of pleasant things, as does Monday.
    We had a flock of geese overhead here at Katy, Texas, also.
    I like the Haiku too.

  2. I smiled at the half-hearted mood in the title and how it plays with the ‘half’ of half moon and half-hearted smile. Thank goodness for those quiet moments, when time seems to stand still. The geese and snowstorm in the haiku were a nice contrast to the warm herbal tea.

  3. Lovely image of the geese as snowstorm in your haiku!

  4. you capture that feeling of just being right on the edge - in the space of almost reluctant acceptance .... sort of like a half-moon smile .... Lovely images that speak of the push/pull - the tides we feel - and the contrasts that fill our nights and days.

  5. I read a lot into the Monday morning feel of this, the last goodbye before another week begins.

  6. Too bad we can't implement half-Mondays.

  7. I love the imagery in your poems, True.

  8. Dreams are indeed fragments resting in darkness. Lovely. (Kerfe)

  9. You made me feel that morning, dreams now fragments. Your poem is beautiful. And now it's wednesday, closer to the weekend!

  10. Lovely poem and haiku.
