Thursday, June 20, 2024

Cosmic Silence

Free Universe Space illustration and picture
courtesy of Pixabay

In cosmic silence
heaven's pathways open
past the sun's stillness
returns the dark edges
of night the strawberry
moon full and ripe

struggling to breathe
in time with the endless
pulse of the universe
alone in my thoughts
my inner drum beating

the planets singing
to each other in an
ultra-low frequency
sweet music of the spheres
playing in harmony

romantic songs from
Venus to earth on a hot
summer night burning
with fiery passion

I climb a mountain
in search of mystical songs
but, fall into a blue sea
in the depths of the kingdom
of whimsical dreams

gulping in the cool waters
of the evening tide listening
for ethereal melodies of whale songs
music to elevate the heart and soul

within your dreams there is
a wishful, twistful, liftful
wormhole where worlds connect
crafting poetry that sing

author's note:  Happy Solstice this was born of a drum meditation. 

sharing with dVerse Open Link Night

Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Cinderella Swept Away


 Cinderella thought she
found her prince at long last
believing in love at first
sight she was swept-away
by his promises of love 

but it was all an illusion
his sparkling eyes
his radiant smile
dashingly handsome
she couldn't resist his allure

it was all deceiving
the magic spell faded
she found herself alone
sweeping up the ashes
of yesterday 

no longer a believer
shattering the glass slippers
of a once upon a time

written for What's Going On

hosted by Sherry
The idea was to choose an old fairy tale and re-write it to make it your own. 

Thank you for I can do on an extremely hot day...
stay cool if you are in the current heat wave

Monday, June 10, 2024

Figments of time

Free Time Moon Clock photo and picture
courtesy of Pixabay

In the night, I chase dreams
under glowing moonbeams
love a figment of my imagination
mind games offering a distraction
 space a magician with sparkling eyes
waiting for the phoenix to arise
from ashes new poetry is born
some dreams are just time worn

written for dVerse
hosted by Lillian

writing a 44 word quadrille
incorporating the word Figment of some form

Thursday, June 6, 2024

The Stuff That Dreams are Made Of

It’s the stuff that dreams are made of
this story of ours, you had me at hello
I first met you in the dreamscape
you a fallen star and me with a broken
wing…two fools crying over life’s
lost songs

I said, find me in the morning light
let not this dream fade away
we’ll build a world where you and I
can reside…we’ll create magic with
our poetic words…confess our desires
follow our hearts

We bonded somewhere in time
and space…
our dreams we needed to chase

and in the morning light, I said,
“find me in the darkness of night”
I will be waiting to pen an adventure
of mythical dragons and searching
for lost treasures in a sea of ghosts

It’s the stuff that dreams are made of
this story of ours, you had me at hello
you found your way back into the heavens
I guess stars are meant to shine
and humans aren’t meant to fly

We bonded somewhere in time
and space…
our dreams we needed to chase

This story of ours is the stuff that dreams
are made of…..every night before I close
my eyes I recall a special star burning

written for dVerse Show me the movies
hosted by Lisa - Open Link night or optional prompts

The OPTIONAL prompts:
1) write a poem about why and/or how you like to watch movies
2) choose one of given quotes from AFI as a title for your poem (please give attribution if you choose this one)
3) go to the AFI website and choose another quote listed and use it as a title for your poem (please give attribution if you choose this one)

 I chose  option 3 - "The stuff that dreams are made of" from The Maltese Falcon (1941)