Thursday, June 20, 2024

Cosmic Silence

Free Universe Space illustration and picture
courtesy of Pixabay

In cosmic silence
heaven's pathways open
past the sun's stillness
returns the dark edges
of night the strawberry
moon full and ripe

struggling to breathe
in time with the endless
pulse of the universe
alone in my thoughts
my inner drum beating

the planets singing
to each other in an
ultra-low frequency
sweet music of the spheres
playing in harmony

romantic songs from
Venus to earth on a hot
summer night burning
with fiery passion

I climb a mountain
in search of mystical songs
but, fall into a blue sea
in the depths of the kingdom
of whimsical dreams

gulping in the cool waters
of the evening tide listening
for ethereal melodies of whale songs
music to elevate the heart and soul

within your dreams there is
a wishful, twistful, liftful
wormhole where worlds connect
crafting poetry that sing

author's note:  Happy Solstice this was born of a drum meditation.
sharing with dVerse Open Link Night


  1. I'm sure the universe does indeed have a pulse.

  2. I love this especially; "I climb a mountain in search of mystical songs." ❤️❤️

  3. I like the rhythm and pace of this poem, Truedessa, and I can feel that it was born of a drum meditation. Belated happy solstice!

  4. This poem is so beautiful. The search for mystical songs, then hearing whale much beauty in this poem.
