Friday, August 9, 2024

My Blue Umbrella

Free Rain Nature photo and picture
Courtesy of Pixabay

 My blue umbrella
today the rain came
trees taking long drinks
cooling off the land
birds flutter away
my day now unplanned
splashing in puddles
rainy wonderland

Today's moody blues
my heart is heavy
I need time to think
maybe, take a snooze
where has the sun gone
thoughts wander to you
these clouds will disband
cartwheeling times hand

posted for dVerse
hosted by Laura

And for today’s MTB prompt we are going to write an Octameter – designed by Shelley A. Cephas in 2007

Poetry Style:

  • 16 lines
  • 2 stanzas of 8 lines each
  • 5 syllables per line
  • rhyme scheme a/b/c/d/e/d/f/d; g/h/c/g/i/g/d/d.
    (N.B. watch out for those repeat rhymes and where they fall; 2 in the first stanza and 3 in the second stanza)  

Author's note:  I think I was inspired by all the rain from Debby and the use of my blue umbrella.


  1. Nice! You definitely needed your umbrella this week.

  2. I love your poem, Truedessa! I have a blue umbrella, with the Pelican Books logo on it. I also have one with elephants on! I love the idea of ‘trees taking long drinks’, and splashing in puddles.

  3. "these clouds will disband
    cartwheeling times hand"
    Lovely lines and lovely poem. :)

  4. quite a contrast between the 2 stanzas as rain appreciated by the thirsty trees and the blue umbrellas which gets an airing!
    "my day now unplanned" leads into the moody blues of the 2nd stanza. Very nice too the rhymes you chose and the merest suggestion of missing someone with "thoughts wander to you"

  5. Gorgeous poetry, Truedessa, you took me splashing through the puddles with you...

  6. It sounds like fun in the rain! Love the "rainy wonderland."

  7. love this part:
    today the rain came
    trees taking long drinks
    cooling off the land

    and the space the rain makes for "moody blues"

  8. Lovely! I like "trees taking long drinks." Our trees certainly had long drinks with the all the rain we've had!

  9. I love the ideas of trees taking long drinks and cartwheeling time.

  10. Hi Truedessa, this is beautiful. I love the rain.

  11. What a contrast of images here, and both resonate.

  12. Lovely contrasts. Your descriptions are wonderful.
