Monday, August 26, 2024

Summer's Fading Songs

courtesy of wikipedia

The heat of summer still flushes my cheeks on my daily walk but, there is a subtle change in scenery. The trees now are a paler shade of green and some have yellow and orange tints.  Red-Winged blackbirds no longer perform their musical trill.  Robins seem scarce as their song becomes a distant memory of longer days.  Geese come and go as they gather for their next journey.  I listen for the soft whispers of summer's magic but, I feel them fading with the evening breeze. Fall is approaching on tippy-toes as to not disturb the remaining days of the warm season of lazy day-dreaming hammock afternoons. 

In my heart,  I know the harvest season is approaching.

summer's magic dusk
green heron small and stocky
chestnuts fall softly

Linking with dVerse
Haibun Monday - Hosted by Frank


  1. Delightful fading songs of summer, Truedessa. Birds are the heralds of every season, but autumn is the time when we really notice the changes in their behaviour, especially geese. I love how you describe autumn ‘approaching on tippy-toes as to not disturb the remaining days of the warm season’.

    1. Birds definitely change their behavior in autumn. I miss the trill of the Red-Winged Blackbirds and the Robins song. I did see a couple of robins yesterday searching for worms but, soon they too will migrate.

  2. 'Fall is approaching on tippy-toe"

    Nice one Kim


  3. I like the tippy-toe line as well. Although summer is still stabbing us here.

    1. Hi Alex, it is still warm here but, the nights do feel a bit cooler the humidity seems to be less oppressive. I am not ready for fall.

  4. Those subtle changes are everywhere, heralded by the birds as you invoke. My first flock of migrating geese just hooked their passing overhead.

    1. The geese definitely are flocking together for their migration. I live near a lake and they come in and out of here on their way south. They may stay for a couple of days but, then they are gone.

  5. A delightful poem, Truedessa.

  6. I love the soft whispers of summer’s magic. Lovely haibun.❤️

  7. Truedessa, I'm so glad you talked about how the birds seem to have disappeared. Here in mid-Michigan, we've noticed the same thing. I'm seeing geese flying in formation! I enjoyed your haibun.

  8. The wistfulness at the passing of the season is strking in this one, Truedessa!
