Tuesday, August 6, 2024

The Night I Grew Wings

Free Owl Eagle Owl photo and picture
Courtesy of Pixabay

The night I grew wings
it takes courage to fly
in a vast unknown sky
listening, the wind sings

exhausted, yearning for rest
the thunderous storm is loud
mystery floats in on heavy clouds
the compass needle points west

Who knows what a beat of a drum will bring

The sun has kissed my lips goodnight
now, drifting into the land of magic
colored trees and flowers are dramatic
tiger owl hunts for woodland mice

dancing cautiously beyond the veil
along the footbridge of white pines
barefoot on moss and climbing vines
solitary night hawk sings his tale

Who knows where the imagination will roam

The stars and moon glistens above
my heart aches, pursuing flight
on wings tinted with golden light
searching for the meaning of love

I flutter and flap in an imaginary realm
in a swarm of blue-green dragonflies
seeing a world through sage eyes
my spirit soars, I'm the navigator at the helm

Who knows how far your wings will take you

Today, I am excited to be guest hosting at dVerse
we are exploring dream poetry.  I hope you will
join in the fun.

Please stop by and read all the wonderful dream poetry
Thank you! 


  1. This is so imaginative and creative, starting with the line, the night I grew wings, to the ending line: Who knows how far your wings will take you. I also love the call of nature with the solitary hawk singing his tale, and the swarm of blue-green dragonflies. Thank you for hosting !!!!!

    1. Thank you Grace for inviting me to co-host. It has been an honor for me.

  2. This poem is so full of amazing imagery - and from the sound of it, your dreams are too. It's cool you are hosting at dVerse!

    1. Thanks Sherry - my dreams are often vivid and filled with color and wonder. It is cool to be a guest host.

  3. I absolutely love, love this! Especially this part; "The sun has kissed my lips goodnight now/drifting into the land of magic/colored trees and flowers are dramatic." ❤️❤️

  4. Your dream is far more beautiful than reality.

    1. Thanks Alex! Some dreams I could slumber in all day.

  5. The shamanistic side definitely coming through the words, strongly, and give the verse that special quality.

    1. Thank you, I do tend to be a shamanic dreamer.

  6. What a wonderful dream, rendered in poetry, Truedessa...

    1. Thank you, I recently saw a swarm of dragonflies and fell into a dream. This poem was then born.

  7. You’ve taken a classic dream of flight and made it unique, Truedessa. I like the repetition of question, which gives a mysterious quality, and how it takes you into the green in:
    ‘…beyond the veil
    along the footbridge of white pines
    barefoot on moss and climbing vines’
    ‘I flutter and flap in an imaginary realm
    in a swarm of blue-green dragonflies
    seeing a world through sage eyes’.

    1. Hi Kim, Thank you I think we all dream of taking flight in some form. I often dream of sprouting wings.

  8. Great poem for a wonderful challenge, Truedessa. The shamanic exercise latent in every dream is something we have a life story for as well as instruction from each exercise, little as we may ever truly learn of them. Love the roaming here in the dark continent under glorious starlight.

    1. Thank you Brendan! The shamanic journey into the dreamscape is always an adventure. I often learn tidbits about life and myself through the art of dreaming. I think it is a life long journey and I don't think we ever master the art.

  9. This is vivid scenes in the nighttime forest dream. Good poem!

  10. Jane DoughertyAugust 07, 2024

    Wonderful title and first line! It launches us into the dream world of flight.

  11. Thank you so much for hosting! Your poem feels very spiritual, as I imagine dreams can be sometimes.

    1. Thank you for enjoying the prompt. I do agree dreams can be a spiritual journey into the unknown.

  12. This is a poetic work of art. A masterpiece. Enjoyed the experience immensely!

    1. Thank you so much for your kind comment. Much appreciated.

  13. Replies
    1. Thank you Gillena! Have a wondrous week.

  14. Spreading wings and seeing where a dream world can take you is fun indeed. Enjoying the ride in sleep is usually better than real life.

    1. The dreamscape certainly does feel better some days.

  15. I enjoyed your poem, it has vivid imagery and a message to escape into the world of dreams.

    1. Thank you! Sometimes it does feel like an escape from reality which is full of chaos at times.

  16. This is beautiful, True. I could see it all so clearly. Sandra sandracox.blogspot.com

  17. What a feast of images, Truedessa. Wonderful! Thank you for guest pub-tending!

    1. You are welcome! It was an honor to guest host.

  18. "I flutter and flap in an imaginary realm
    in a swarm of blue-green dragonflies
    seeing a world through sage eyes
    my spirit soars, I'm the navigator at the helm"

    So creative and dreamlike.

  19. I felt as If i was in the dream, in a dream, pulled me into that space.
