Sunday, March 28, 2021

Today, You are Enough

The Sunday Muse  Photo Prompt


Today, you are enough,  I invite you

on a shamanic journey of transformation

close your eyes, allow yourself entry into

a sacred place of peace within you


Today, you are enough remove the

cloaks that no longer serve you in

your quest for a higher consciousness

there is truth in nakedness


Today, you are enough let your heart

beat in rhythm with  the ancestral

drum  of mother earth, realigning

mind, body and spirit, pulsating

with the universe as one being


thump, thump, thump


Today,  let your visions expand

seeing from a new  perspective

embrace a  field of slow change

growing with renewed energy


Today,  let feathers and talons

sprout from the brokenness

of life,  dreams shift in the night

offering flight on open wings


Today, let yourself soar un-tethered

circling your intentions from me to we

to heal a weary world from darkness

into a song of rebirth.....


thump, thump, thump

Linking with The Sunday Muse

author's note:  I saw this photo yesterday and meditated
on it's meaning.  Last night I dreamt of transformation

peace, love and transformation

Thursday, March 25, 2021

Song of Spring

purple-petaled floweras
Courtesy of Pixabay






This song of spring begins to grow
tree limbs budding with renewal
rising with the morning sun glow
seasonal changes are crucial

tree limbs budding with renewal
the crocus breaking the darkness
rain glistens like a precious jewel
contemplating heavens vastness

the crocus breaking the darkness
choir of robins sing in harmony
contemplating heavens vastness
practicing the art of psalmody

choir of robins sing in harmony
rising with the morning sun glow
practicing the art of psalmody
this song of spring begins to grow


linking with dVerse 

Hosted by Peter
coming full circle

Thank you for visiting

 form Pantoum 

Thursday, March 18, 2021

This Being Human Is

 Foot, Toes, Question, Universal, Being, Becoming

This being human is a quest

from birth to our final breath

along the way we travel many

paths making decisions at

the crosswalks of life


This being human is a gift

one not to be taken lightly

we are stewards of the earth

there is no other place that

we can live in a bodily state


This being human is a river

always flowing towards the

ocean  facing the challenges

of strong and calming waters

navigating the currents of life


This being human is a tree

growing roots and branching

out in uniqueness and beauty

connected to the earth, yet

always reaching for the heavens


This being human is a mystery

searching for clues to solve

what we cannot comprehend

the unsolved riddles of life,

death and everything in between


“Sometimes we're just Being Human, but we're always Human Beings.” - JD Fortune."

linking with dVerse
open link night

Linking with dVerse
hosted by KIm The Art of Being Human

Thank you for visiting

Peace, health and love


Sunday, March 7, 2021

Abandoned - Piano Blues

Photography by Romain Thiery












within these abandoned walls

once lived happiness, music

filled the inner chambers

of a loving heart


broken keys, now out of tune

rotting floorboards moan in

grief for the songs of yesterday

sacred foundation crumbling


instrumental was the mortar

of pitch, tempo, texture and

structure which created overall

harmony in this space of time


fleeing from life when loss

was too great to bare, the cross

of misunderstanding weighing

down the fringes of reality


memories float through filtered

moonlight and a piano plays the

blues,  a heart swells, drowning in 

a dream well 


outside the vineyard yields

sweet seeds of hope, cupped

hands sip intoxicating flavors

life emerges to the cicadas song


linking with The Sunday Muse

not sure this makes sense but,

my mood is blue...


thanks for visiting