Thursday, September 12, 2024

Finding Balance

Life is a balance of holding on and letting go. Rumi

Free Droplet Feathers photo and picture
Courtesy of Pixabay

How do we tip the scales so there is balance
what must we add what must we take away
is the answer found in some mysterious talent

How do we judge what is considered equal
sunlight is just as beautiful as moonlight
which is more majestic a condor or eagle

How do we create stability in a world of madness
can hate be taken away with a bit more love
will happiness tip the weight of sadness

Perhaps, equilibrium starts within oneself
living in the state of now, brings steadiness
filling the heart with purpose, finding yourself


written for Sherry's prompt on balance
What's Going On? Finding Balance



  1. You had me at the Rumi quote. No words are truer. I resonate with this poem, especially in living in the state of now, which gives us a firmer platform to stand upon than the politics of the day afford us. Though I am feeling very much more hopeful than I was!!!!!!

  2. 'finding yourself' is perhaps the best way to face life with balance.
    "sunlight is just as beautiful as moonlight
    which is more majestic a condor or eagle" My favorite lines.

  3. We can't balance the world but we can balance ourselves.

  4. I like the idea of equilibrium starting within oneself. From there, one can hope it will spread. Lovely writing, Truedessa.

  5. I reckon hate can never be taken away in a world of man. But in each person's little corner of the world, there's hope. As you balance ourselves.

  6. I love the questions you so eloquently raise and your wise conclusion - Jae
