Friday, September 20, 2024

Seasons Change

Summer prepares to wave goodbye
fall approaches with crisp cool air
seeing a praying mantis is rare
overhead the great blue heron flies

In poetic beauty the willow cries
her long thin boughs seem to flare
fall approaches with colorful fanfare
summer prepares to wave goodbye

The falling leaves are colored died
cheery songbirds have flown elsewhere
two mourning doves cooing a prayer
overhead the great blue heron flies

Summer prepares to wave goodbye
intricate spiderwebs are now threadbare
overhead the great blue heron flies

written for dVerse
hosted by Grace writing to the form of a Villonnet


  1. A wistful goodbye to summer and a welcome to the delights of autumn, Truedessa. I love the repeated line with the great blue heron; let’s hope it keep returning.

  2. Love the imagery of the great blue heron flying as the summer season comes to an end. Autumn is upon us here as colored leaves are fading and drying fast. Thanks for joining in. Happy weekend.

  3. Though it is difficult to bid summer farewell, your Villonett makes it bearable!!! Thanks for leaving me a comment .....
