Sunday, April 26, 2020

The Sea Inside Of Me

"The Sea Inside"  painting by Samy Charnine

The sea inside of me is blue
navigating the currents of life
my eyes take in a different view
wondering if an end is in sight

navigating the currents of life
golden angel(fish) swim near
wondering if an end is in sight
in silence I shed a solemn tear

golden angel(fish) swim near
colorful scales, singing a song
in silence I shed a solemn tear
my heart yearns to sing along

colorful scales, singing a song
I want to write of love's refrain
my heart yearns to sing along
tell me will I ever see you again

I want to write of love's refrain
my eyes take in a different view
tell me will I ever see you again
the sea inside of me is blue

linking for The Sunday Muse #105

linking with earthweal

Peace, love and health
thank you for visiting  

form Pantoum


  1. Indeed I think the sea inside many of us is blue right now - with good reason. Our heart yearns for that which is not yet in sight, and we wonder if it will ever be different. Some days we might try to take that 'different view,' but it isn't easy sometime. So good to read your words, Truedessa. I was AWOL for a while but I plan to write for a while again now! Stay well.

  2. Very skillful, a hard form but you mastered here...JIM

  3. May the pantoum extinguish the gloom! Very skillfully written.

  4. The sea inside of me is blue....I feel that, and the question will I ever see you again? Sigh. Beautiful, True - the repeated lines really work in this poem, I like the rhythm.

  5. I feel this too Truedessa! We all long to have a deeper connection than phone calls and videos. This is beautiful and deeply moving.

  6. I am thoroughly impressed! This (at least for me) is a tricky form .. you handled it beautifully.

  7. A very flowing rhythm and so sad...

  8. For you:
    Working the Nineties

    Taking the stage
    Ready for my close-up
    Nope, haven’t lost it
    Lights, camera, action
    Standing ovations, rave reviews
    An encore, for posterity

    1. Hi Helen,

      Thank you for sharing your verse "Working the Nineties" may the spotlight of life always shine on you.

  9. You make this difficult form flow like water. Lovely.

  10. Oh, I wonder when we can reach out and hug again? I am tired of living in a fish bowl.

  11. Everything sure has a flow all its own. Just have to see how and when it flows.

  12. Slowly, the sea within you will leak out along with the blue. Love this, Trudessa. Great use Of the form as well.
