Sunday, March 7, 2021

Abandoned - Piano Blues

Photography by Romain Thiery












within these abandoned walls

once lived happiness, music

filled the inner chambers

of a loving heart


broken keys, now out of tune

rotting floorboards moan in

grief for the songs of yesterday

sacred foundation crumbling


instrumental was the mortar

of pitch, tempo, texture and

structure which created overall

harmony in this space of time


fleeing from life when loss

was too great to bare, the cross

of misunderstanding weighing

down the fringes of reality


memories float through filtered

moonlight and a piano plays the

blues,  a heart swells, drowning in 

a dream well 


outside the vineyard yields

sweet seeds of hope, cupped

hands sip intoxicating flavors

life emerges to the cicadas song


linking with The Sunday Muse

not sure this makes sense but,

my mood is blue...


thanks for visiting


  1. Pathos .... and hope for renewal! Beautiful write.

  2. Luv the music of the cicadas continuing the tune of existence

    Happy Sunday Truedessa


  3. Inside is stagnant and decay from empty memories - but outside, life is still growing.
    Good to read a poem from you! Been a while.

  4. When memories float, pianos play the blues for sure.........your poem takes me back to what pianos meant to me in my childhood. I love the sweet seeds of hope and the cicadas singing in your closing stanza.

  5. ...and a piano plays the blues.

    Interesting turn of phrase -- personification. Nicely written!

  6. In all the grief of loss that flows through these lines there is a beautiful heart seeing and sharing what is lost. The cicadas song at the end is a wonderful and hopeful closing. I love this Truedessa!

  7. I dig the blues, so this just vibrates for me! You have created a mood so filled with melancholy that it seeps into my bones. I especially love that last stanza. I always enjoy what you write, Truedessa. Hope the blues turn you loose this week! (Going to go listen to some Elmore James now - you got me started.) ❤😊

  8. "outside the vineyard yields / sweet seeds of hope" - So badly needed!

  9. Love the vivid descriptions in your poem ... well done.

  10. A busy poem, must keep up. I have just finished with "cupped hands sip(ping) intoxicating flavor" in our kitchen. Mrs. Jim was making some kitsch from a new recipe and it smelled sooo good. I cupped a whiff and we both reminisced having our chemistry teachers never to put our noses into the dish, rather get a cupped handful of the aroma.

  11. This totally makes sense. fleeing from life when loss

    was too great to bare, Piano played the blues..

  12. Vivid, intimate piece. Beautiful writing

  13. "piano played the blues"

    and yet this soulful piece has a glimmer of hope at the end.

  14. A life without music is a soul's desert! Very well done!
