Thursday, August 19, 2021

If Only We Listened

Heron, Fishes, Dryness, Drought, Hunger, Dried Out
courtesy of pixabay

If only,  we had heed the warnings

listened about global warming

today, we now see the true reality

of our own misconception


Maybe, today the sky would be

bluer and fires fewer

lakes, rivers and reservoirs

wouldn't be at dangerously low levels

  the land, animal and human

 thirst would be quenched


If only, we took the time to see and hear

what mother earth was telling us in

her own way


We could be living in a green world

breathing in fresh air,  our lakes

and rivers unpolluted 

ample food for hungry bellies


....the moon

wouldn't be wobbling and the

ocean tides would be stable


The stars at night would light up

the heavens clear and bright

we would rest peacefully at night


If only, we had heed the warnings

and changed our path,  all creatures

could thrive and survive on this 

wonderful planet earth


if only

  if only

    if only


written for Sherry's challenge on earthweal

The World That Might Have Been



  1. The two saddest words : if only. Sigh. Thanks for writing, True. It is hard being the canaries in the mines. But it is what we can do.

  2. I echo your sentiments here: if only!

  3. There is light in us, if (only) we choose to live in the light, there'd be no if only....
