Sunday, June 5, 2022

To Understand - You Must Become

The Sunday Muse

 To understand the earth
you must become a
part of her world
hearing, seeing, touching
smelling and speaking
the tongue of wonderment

Do you hear the sounds
of the earth pulsating
can you hear the symphony
of the rain-forest, roaring waves
the gentle songs of her creatures

 Do you see the wonders of the
earth, her trees, mountains
waterfalls, deserts and meadows
the beauty of the smallest
animal to the largest
the grace of a rainbow

Do you feel the soil of the
earth, barefoot, digging deep
grit of the earth under your nails
planting new seeds of hope
reaching towards sunlight

Do you smell the scents
of the earth, flowers in
bloom, fresh rain, the
rich soil after the rain
the aroma of fresh cut grass

Do you speak the tongue
of the earth, the language
of nature, harmonizing with
the trees, flowers and bees
are you able to whistle
in birdsong

To understand the earth
you must embrace the
elements of her beauty
become a spiritual being
endlessly growing towards
the light

Are you able to tap
into the sixth sense
let intuition be your guide

 sharing with The Sunday Muse

may you always reach towards the light 

sharing with earthweal


author's note:  Thank you for visiting
and reading the ramblings of my heart
this came to me on a nature walk


  1. Replies
    1. Embracing the beauty each day, a gift of wonderment from Day 1....

  2. As the man said, everything is nothing is everything is.

    1. interesting comment and one to ponder for sure - for everything is a miracle if you see with seeing eyes...

  3. That harmony with nature is so beautiful....

  4. Yes, Yes ... we need to tap into the messages in each line of your poetry. Must reading.

  5. "You must speak the tongue of wonderment" - I love that. This is my new favourite of yours. It has everything I love in it, so beautifully expressed.

    1. Thank you my friend! Coming frim you, i am honored.

  6. Wow each verse a picture of wonderment.
    Happy Sunday. Thanks for dropping by to read mine.


    1. Happy Sunday Gillena, i always appreciate your visits.

  7. Can't say much in the way of having a sixth sense, but I can definitely appreciate the astounding enormity and complexity that is the world we live in and on.

    1. Hello, I haven't seen you around in a while. Thanks for visiting. The world today is a complex labyrinth and navigating it is becoming more difficult.

      Wishing you peace in your journey

  8. Love the use of the five senses to get deeper in touch with nature!

    1. Thank you, sometimes one just needs to get out in nature and see and feel its beauty.

  9. They are wonders aren't they? Love your call to be in tune with mother earth.

  10. "planting new seeds of hope."

  11. Lovely! I want to whistle birdsong.
