Wednesday, September 20, 2023

Take This Dream

Take this dream
under the stars and moon
have the courage to travel the unknown
create a haven in night's stillness
your soul knows the way

Take this dream
be gentle with yourself in darkness
believe you will reach your destination
let your thoughts reach the unreachable
listen to ancient wisdom in your soul

Take this dream
focus on the desires of your heart
follow the winds of transformation
take time to find harmony within
listen to the songs of your soul

Take this dream
build upon it in the morning light
turn it into something beautiful
share it with those who need a vision
embrace the poetry within your soul

Take this dream, I am too tired....

linking with What's Going On?
hosted by Mary - Check it out - see what's going on! 

Thank you for visiting - Take this dream ...


  1. "create a haven in night's stillness
    you soul knows the way"
    Indeed, and this poem reminds us how, where, why to dream, Listening to the songs in my heart . . .

  2. "Take this dream. Turn it into something beautiful." I love that. Such a beautiful poem, True.

  3. So lovely. I felt swept up by your poem and lifted into the higher realms. I think I'll have to go and have a meditate now. :) Suzanne - Wayfaring - wordpress blog.

  4. A most beautiful poem, placid in its nature and outreach message.
    You have truly composed a wonderful poem, based exactly on the prompt example...:)

  5. This is hypnotic poem, Truedessa. My favourite lines:
    ‘Take this dream
    be gentle with yourself in darkness
    believe you will reach your destination’
    ‘take time to find harmony within
    listen to the songs of your soul’.

  6. Perhaps if we all did this, the world might be a calmer place.

  7. I hope you have a dream that's that beautiful.

  8. The poem reminds us that even in dark nights we will have spots of light, we will have dreams and we will have our soul as our guide, for our soul knows the way. This is such a beautiful poem.

  9. Truedessa, I especially like these lines:
    "Take this dream
    focus on the desires of your heart"
    which is a reminder that in a dream anything
    one's heart desires is possible. Oddly, I have
    started remembering my dreams JUST lately
    whereas earlier I never did.

  10. Having a dream to take and move with is the way. Or just letting them wander in the night can be soothing too.

  11. Such a lovely and calming poem

  12. I found your words as others have said, very calming and soothing--almost like a lullaby.
