Sunday, October 22, 2023

Heartbreak Hotel Breaking the Spell

Heartbreak hotel
I checked in there a time or two
stayed in a room decorated in blue
there I dwelled thinking of you

Heartbreak hotel
high on a cliff, my tears swell
singing to a tune, I know too well
trying to break your magic spell

Heartbreak hotel
tossing my sorrow into the sea
seeking a refuge a place to flee
there are no golden room keys

no, no, no because it's heartbreak hotel

Heartbreak hotel
harboring secrets, I’ll never tell
caught between heaven and hell
listening for the lighthouse bell

Heartbreak hotel 
the place for broken dreams
filled with shadowy figurines
you won't find any fancy limousines

no, no, no because it's heartbreak hotel

Heartbreak hotel
songs of love whisper in the night
the moon is shining gloriously bright
just hang on until morning light....

Elvis - Heartbreak Hotel  - click it to listen

writing for hotel hosted by Mary 

sharing with desperate poets hosted by Brendan


  1. Ah, it is good that there is such a place as the Heartbreak Hotel where the broken-hearted can hang out a bit....and where songs of love can still whisper in the night & help one hang on through the night! And - ah yes, Elvis. Thanks for posting and sharing. And I DID link your poem. You were just a tiny bit late!

    1. Thanks for linking me up, Mary. Sometimes, one just needs to get away. A place of restoration.

  2. I love the rhythm that seems to promise light after darkness. Beautiful.
    --Sumana Roy

    1. Thank you, I am a believer of searching for light even in times of darkness.

  3. your pen reminds me of last night's half moon - half there, half not - we wait on the edge ~

    1. That moon has been mysteriously luminous peeking out from some fast moving clouds. Waiting on the edge… perfectly said.

  4. You captured so much melancholy...

    1. Well, if it can be captured there is a chance to set it free…hope is worth hanging on to.

      Have a great week….

  5. That last line slays me. Sometimes it's that hard, but having been there a time or two, I've seen the next morning come in, too. Thank you for this poem!

    1. Hi Susan, thanks in those dark moments we need to hang on...

  6. Hard to hang on through heartbroken nights, but the morning light brings new beginnings. It has gotten me through a few stays at the heartbreak hotel. Smiles. Your poem would make a beautiful song.

    1. Sherry, it is hard to hang on, especially when you feel like giving up. A friend once told me you just need to get through "now".

      Thanks it does sound like a song in my head, I guess the late Elvis has spurred a verse or two.

  7. This reminded me of eagles heartache tonight for some reason
