Monday, August 26, 2024

Summer's Fading Songs

courtesy of wikipedia

The heat of summer still flushes my cheeks on my daily walk but, there is a subtle change in scenery. The trees now are a paler shade of green and some have yellow and orange tints.  Red-Winged blackbirds no longer perform their musical trill.  Robins seem scarce as their song becomes a distant memory of longer days.  Geese come and go as they gather for their next journey.  I listen for the soft whispers of summer's magic but, I feel them fading with the evening breeze. Fall is approaching on tippy-toes as to not disturb the remaining days of the warm season of lazy day-dreaming hammock afternoons. 

In my heart,  I know the harvest season is approaching.

summer's magic dusk
green heron small and stocky
chestnuts fall softly

Linking with dVerse
Haibun Monday - Hosted by Frank

Monday, August 19, 2024

After the Rain

Free Rainbow Sky photo and picture
Courtesy of Pixabay

The summer rain came
in torrential downpours
flooding streets and hearts
with despair…

sudden wind shifts with a burst
of cool air...

bending the weeping willow
a piece of sun filters through
arcing across the sky a rainbow

smiling with hope for earthly

linking with dVerse
hosted by Lisa - writing a 44 word quadrille
incorporating the word "bend"

author's note:  There has been a lot of rain here
flooding roads and causing damage

Thursday, August 15, 2024

The Way of Birds

multicolored bird flying during daytime
courtesy unsplashed Karl Anderson

 I am amazed at the beauty of birds
mystical in their ability to fly
colorful feathers and wings that curve
I am amazed at the beauty of birds
captivating songs sung with no words
glorious heights in a turquoise sky
I am amazed at the beauty of birds
mystical in their ability to fly

 Linking with What's Going On?
hosted by Sherry

form - Triolet

Friday, August 9, 2024

My Blue Umbrella

Free Rain Nature photo and picture
Courtesy of Pixabay

 My blue umbrella
today the rain came
trees taking long drinks
cooling off the land
birds flutter away
my day now unplanned
splashing in puddles
rainy wonderland

Today's moody blues
my heart is heavy
I need time to think
maybe, take a snooze
where has the sun gone
thoughts wander to you
these clouds will disband
cartwheeling times hand

posted for dVerse
hosted by Laura

And for today’s MTB prompt we are going to write an Octameter – designed by Shelley A. Cephas in 2007

Poetry Style:

  • 16 lines
  • 2 stanzas of 8 lines each
  • 5 syllables per line
  • rhyme scheme a/b/c/d/e/d/f/d; g/h/c/g/i/g/d/d.
    (N.B. watch out for those repeat rhymes and where they fall; 2 in the first stanza and 3 in the second stanza)  

Author's note:  I think I was inspired by all the rain from Debby and the use of my blue umbrella.

Tuesday, August 6, 2024

The Night I Grew Wings

Free Owl Eagle Owl photo and picture
Courtesy of Pixabay

The night I grew wings
it takes courage to fly
in a vast unknown sky
listening, the wind sings

exhausted, yearning for rest
the thunderous storm is loud
mystery floats in on heavy clouds
the compass needle points west

Who knows what a beat of a drum will bring

The sun has kissed my lips goodnight
now, drifting into the land of magic
colored trees and flowers are dramatic
tiger owl hunts for woodland mice

dancing cautiously beyond the veil
along the footbridge of white pines
barefoot on moss and climbing vines
solitary night hawk sings his tale

Who knows where the imagination will roam

The stars and moon glistens above
my heart aches, pursuing flight
on wings tinted with golden light
searching for the meaning of love

I flutter and flap in an imaginary realm
in a swarm of blue-green dragonflies
seeing a world through sage eyes
my spirit soars, I'm the navigator at the helm

Who knows how far your wings will take you

Today, I am excited to be guest hosting at dVerse
we are exploring dream poetry.  I hope you will
join in the fun.

Please stop by and read all the wonderful dream poetry
Thank you! 

Monday, August 5, 2024

A Jar of Preserves

Free Strawberry Strawberries photo and picture
courtesy of Pixabay

How to preserve slices
of us

Can I jar pieces of memories

Your words were sometimes
sweet as fresh strawberries
from the vine…

Oh, but sometimes they were
tarty as a lime

Shall I jar the juiciest chunks

Preservation is a work of art

Linking with dVerse
hosted by De

Writing a 44 word quadrille
incorporating the word "jar"