Tuesday, January 7, 2025

Elusive is Your Beauty

Raggiana Bird-of-Paradise / Michael Sammut

 Beautiful bird of paradise
sing to me of all your wonders
teach me the poems of nature
fly me to places of the heart

your golden crest bright as the sun
on colorful wings you ascend
elusive to the human world
fly me to places of the heart

deep in the rain-forest of dreams
leaving my collection of tears
a joyous song of love evolves
fly me to places of the heart

written for dVerse - Art in Nature
hosted by Melissa
writing to the artwork of Michael Sammut

Thank you for visiting

Peace & Light


  1. This is so lovely. Dear beautiful bird, do fly us to the places of our hearts.

  2. I love your ode to this beautiful bird! The repetition works very well in your poem.

  3. Luv the hook line.

  4. Your poem reads like a prayer to the bird of paradise, Truedessa. It is indeed ‘elusive to the human world’ – I would love to see one! I love the phrase deep in the rain-forest of dreams’.

  5. The beauty of the bird, it does give us so much.... when we manage to see it in the jungle

  6. Beautiful bird to sing to. And I love the repetition of the last line of each stanza.

  7. I love 'deep in the rain-forest of dreams'. Happy Writing New Year, True.
    Sandra sandracox.blogspot.com

  8. A beautiful tribute. Especially love "teach me the poems of nature" and the repetition works so well...rhythmic and comforting.

  9. Lovely--I especially like "the rain-forest of dreams."

  10. What a beautiful ode, Truedessa! I love "teach me the poems of nature"!

  11. Truedessa, I love how you express the nature of this sacred being as a guide. Such a beautiful poem <3

  12. I felt this one, Truedessa. The repetition drives it home. Beautifully done!
