Tuesday, January 28, 2025

MisFortune Lingers

Free Ship Shipwreck illustration and picture
Courtesy of Pixabay

 A lone dog wanders with a keen nose
picking up a trail, following where it leads
he can tell if one has good intentions, even
uses his sense of smell as a compass
be-cause dogs are masters of the art of sniffing

He is always aware of his surroundings
decoding and interpreting all those scents
seeking out caves by the sea cream-y waves
running with a bit of drift-wood on the beach

The black crow caws out a warning verse
see him perched on a limb of a dead tree
his song louder with renewed vigor
a storm is approaching clouds roll in
the albatross of misfortune lingers

The wind bellows the lost sailor by name
use what means you have for survival
what arose out at sea we will never know
but, the dog sniffs at the salt water air

As if knowing....

linking with dVerse
hosted by Kim

Author's note:  Thanks for visiting a story poem for today.


  1. A stunning narrative poem inspired by random words, Truedessa. I enjoyed the lone dog’s journey, the way he ‘uses his sense of smell as a compass / be-cause dogs are masters of the art of sniffing’, and how it took the dog to ‘caves by the sea cream-y waves (great internal rhyme here) / running with a bit of drift-wood on the beach’. I also love the allusions to The Rime of the Ancient Mariner.

    1. Thanks Kim for hosting and the interesting set of words. It was fun creating a bit of story.

  2. I especially love the end of your poem:

    The wind bellows the lost sailor by name
    use what means you have for survival
    what arose out at sea we will never know
    but, the dog sniffs at the salt water air

    As if knowing....

    1. Thank you Nolcha for visiting and your comment.

  3. I love how you just followed the words, Truedessa. That is the reward of following prompts. One gets to wander!

    1. Thank you Judy, it is always good to see where the poetic minds wanders ...

  4. A real story there, v nicely done...from Ain

  5. Love the story which made me think of many of the classic narrative poems and stories from the sea....

    1. Thanks Bjorn. It reminded me a bit of the tales I used to pen.

  6. Very interesting narrative.

  7. Oh lovely! I so enjoyed this seafaring dog's tale.

  8. Aw, that made me feel sad for the dog! Beautiful tale, Truedessa!

    Yvette M Calleiro :-)

  9. I love this so much - the dog, the beach, his piece of driftwood (Pup always took one home when we left the beach), the sea, the crow. Just wonderful.

    1. Hi Sherry, I am sure it stirs memories of your beloved pup.

  10. Imaginative sea shanty along the shore. The nose knows when nothing else will.

  11. 'He is always aware of his surroundings' We could save the world if we would but be the same, love this existential poem (as I read it) Truedessa

    1. Yes, I think we could learn a bit from the wisdom of animals. Thanks for visiting and leaving a comment.

  12. Ominous. I love the way the scene unfolds with the dog on the scent. Especially loved:
    "a storm is approaching clouds roll in
    the albatross of misfortune lingers" --
    A scenario exquisitely.painted, Truedessa.

    1. Thank you Dora - but, what happened that day remains a mystery.
