Wednesday, January 22, 2025

Winter's Breath

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Winter's breath can be bitter cold
crossing an uncharted threshold
icy waters of reflections
cracking are human connections

dark clouds hover over the earth
red cardinal sings of rebirth
winds blow in uncertain directions
cracking are human connections

faraway snowy mountain tops
temperatures fall as the sun drops
starry sky leaves lasting impressions
cracking are human connections

can dreams thaw the January night
hope hinges on slivers of moonlight
melting hearts changing perceptions
cracking are human connections

linking with What's Going On? What Cold Is
hosted by Susan

Thank you for visiting - stay warm


  1. Great use of rhyming and repetition in your poem, and cold that cracks human connections. May dreams help to melt the cold!

  2. I love the structure of your poem. Excellent rhymes! I am not sure that even dreams can thaw THIS January's night(s). Wish I would be seeing some red cardinals.

  3. As long as you're dreaming of a heat wave!
    Very nice. And fitting.

  4. Cold times indeed. Lucky the Goose must be feeling the chill, poor thing. Great rhyming and rhythm in your poem.

  5. We don't see red cardinals here but I've seen pictures of them against the snow and they are so beautiful!

  6. The coldness of breaking human connection is definitely scary. I love the repetition in your poem. I have a backyard full of birds and other wildlife. In the unexpected cold where I live in Texas they bring warmth to my spirit.

  7. The thought of human connections cracking is deeply sad indeed. However the Red Cardinals bring color, joy and hope to this bleak scene. A beautiful poem.
