Saturday, June 13, 2020

Balancing The Waters of Tranquility

"Perfect Balance" Surreal Art Photography by Luisa Azevedo

 Carrying the branches of life upon my  head
my bones grow outward, reaching the sky
out  of darkness, towards the light,  I fled

reaching for the highest point of understanding
balancing all that I have seen in the journey
navigating a ship of dreams takes planning

we are creatures capable of regeneration
renewal, restoration with the ability of growth
do not let fear, put you in a state of paralyzation

antlers,  a source of protection, eventually shed
vulnerable, we wander searching for answers
reflect on the visions that remain in your head

mother earth feels our hooves  across the plains
heaven cries over a land thirsty for deep healing
showering a planet full of pain with cleansing rain

though a part of us dies, we still walk the slope
rising above the chaos of these modern times
open your heart to the promises of hope....

linking with The Sunday Muse 
Thank you for visiting
peace, love and balance 

sharing with earthweal


  1. “navigating a ship of dreams takes planning” – great line! Wonderful throughout.

    1. Thank you gbit! Perhaps, with a bit of navigating our dreams can manifest.

  2. I love the line, "mother Earth feels our hooves across the plains". A gorgeous and hopeful message here Truedessa! Utterly beautiful!

  3. This poem feels like an incarnation--wonderful images that make themselves concrete and then lift away again.

    1. Thank you, the ability to change is especially important, today.

  4. I love the message in this poem ......

  5. An excellent reminder of what we should be.

    1. Thank you, I guess we should always strive to be better even when change is difficult.

  6. Paralyzed is not growth - it's death.

    1. Exactly, fear prevents growth. This virus is a real fear especially for vulnerable people. But, there are other fears as well, the fear of change can be overwhelming. How do we overcome our inner fears so we can live in harmony?

  7. What purrfect verse for the time we live in.

  8. First, I love your title. I love "though a part of us dies, we still walk the your heart to the promises of hope." Yes, we need that now. So beautiful, this poem.

    1. Thank you Sherry, we must push forward even when we are weary from the journey.

  9. Such balance here is so important -- its shamanic, earthly, and clear. Thanks for sharing at earthweal. - Brendan

    1. Thank you for a place to share my thoughts.

  10. What an enjoyable read with so many truths. My choice,
    "mother earth feels our hooves across the plains
    [I hope she keeps that feel for as long as the earth]
    "heaven cries over a land thirsty for deep healing
    [I know the God in Heaven is crying, what has he wrought?]
    showering a planet full of pain with cleansing rain"
    [May that rain bring the healing, we need it badly]
    p.s. If I am reincarnated my wish is to be a well to do lady strong willed enough to always be happy. Marriage? Kids? They have to fit my order.

    1. Interesting thoughts Jim. A well to do lady in the next life, one never knows.

      I would probably come back in the form of a winged creature.

  11. Balance..we so need it... A poem written for the days we are living. Beautiful

    1. That balance is difficult these days but, we need to continue to strive for it.

  12. "balancing all that I have seen in the journey
    navigating a ship of dreams takes planning"

    I embrace this image, but also the sense of reality that follows--when we have our weapons, and when we leave them behind and walk the earth in our most vulnerable state. It is then we most need the dreams. (And of course, this can also be about deer.)

    1. Hopefully, our dreams will lead us when we are most vulnerable. A deer is symbolic of healing so perhaps, that
      deer is part of the dream.

  13. I love the rhyme scheme and use of enjambment in this poem, and I didn’t need the illustration to picture the branches of life, the bones growing outward and reaching the sky. We have shown over the centuries that ‘we are creatures capable of regeneration / renewal, restoration’ and the shedding of antlers is a beautiful metaphor for this process.

  14. We have to keep that hope alive! Hopefully renewal will come to humanity. We have to find ways of keeping our hearts and minds and souls open!

  15. I love the image of those antlers reaching for understanding. Lovely write.

  16. I so much appreciate your advice about hope. It's so good to read words that encourage us to trust. Lovely poem. I read it a few times.

  17. I feel this could be the basis for a meditation. Lovely.
