Saturday, August 29, 2020

Head Bowed, Shall I Pray

The Sunday Muse  

In a field of sunflower dreams

sprinkle me with golden beams

summer is tilting further away

sleepy, head bowed, shall I pray


silently wilting in autumn's sun

harvesting seeds, my job is done

I know, I'll see you another day

sleepy, head bowed,  shall I pray


save a packet of magical dreams

scatter me, splitting at the seams

remember the sun is a ray away

sleepy, head bowed,  shall I pray


linking with The Sunday Muse

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peace, dreams & light



  1. I love the idea of a field of sunflower dreams. I was thinking this morning how sunflowers turn their heads up to the sun but, when skies are grey, they turn their faces to each other for support.............sort of like we humans, out in the streets striving for that better world we dream of.

    1. So true Sherry, each of connected...

  2. You just boosted my love for Sunflowers up a notch. I've always liked the, we had them in Nebraska too. And had more wild ones than planted.

    1. I don't see a lot of wild sunflowers here. I had to drive about an hour away to view a sunflower patch. It was gorgeous.

  3. I love the repetition of the thought to pray, and the idea of spreading and planting dreams. So lovely Truedessa!!

    1. Thank you Carrie, I believe we need to plant and spread dreams of hope.

  4. Your form like the cycle of seasons themselves. Beautiful.

  5. Beautiful--the repetition and the query make this a lovely twilight poem. And those dreaming seeds--I think our brains were on similar trails. :)

    1. Hi, thanks for hosting and yes, I think there was a bit of synchronicity.

  6. The sleepy rhythm and repetition of this work their way into the ear like a distant sound of choirs, very appropriate to the prayer theme, and this reminds us there are as many forms of prayer as petals on a flower.You capture the feel of summer ending, of nature providing for winter, and putting herself gently to bed.

    1. Ah, their heads looks heavy, as if, falling asleep after a long day.

  7. This is truly lovely - as so many of your poems are. Many, many thanks.

  8. Joy is right, it was the repetition of the last line in each stanza that lulled me into a dream state .... a prayer state.

    1. Hi Helen, I hope you feel refreshed after a brief meditative rest.

  9. It must be just me but I always see naughtiness in your verses LOL I do much prefer Autumn to Summer so I'm not sorry it is going away!

  10. This is a delightful sunflower poem, and I so love your ending.
