Tuesday, September 22, 2020

The Magic Hat

Catrin Welz-Stein’s image   


The magician is the master

of wonders between the



In his hand high above

green pastures, he lifts

his hat of magic


behold the waters of

peace and tranquility

awaken to the sacred

swan song


celebrate the beauty

of life, have faith

in your heartfelt





believe sweet dreamer

in the magic of the hat

hold on to the wand of


linking with dVerse

writing to the artwork of  

Catrin Welz-Stein




Monday, September 21, 2020

Morning Sky


Nestled between the tall green pines
shimmering lake of morning reflection
kayaks rest on the shoreline of adventure

Awakening, the first breath of sunrise
glorious hues of purple, pink and yellow

Did you ever see a spectacular sky
that made your soul cry

linking with dVerse

writing a quadrille of 44 words
incorporating "sky"
hosted by De

 Thank you for visiting

Sunday, September 20, 2020

Expelling Darkness, Absorbing Light

Image: Brooke Shaden


I face the sun

in a field of wheat


expelling darkness

take these nightmares

filled with smoke, fire

and the stench of death

that plague this modern

world AWAY


absorbing  light, love

and hope for future

generations so that they

may sleep peacefully

in an  unmasked world

breathing in the

 goodness of life in a field

of wildflowers rooted

deep into the sacred


linking with The Sunday Muse

sharing with earthweal


Tuesday, September 15, 2020

Summer leaves in Autumn's Riff

Maple Leaf, Leaves, Leaf, Red, Maple
Courtesy of Pixabay

It seems as though you are still summer
but, the songs of the trees have changed
summer leaves in autumn's riff
pulling at my heartstrings
falls leaves me singing
familiar tunes
crimson red
thoughts of


linking with dVERSE

hosted by Laura


Prompt 2. For those who like a syllabic challenge, I invite you to write a NONET – a nine line poem that begins with 9 syllables, descending line by line to 1 syllable.
Select ONE of these 9 syllable lines as your opener (or more if you wish to write several nonets)

  • It seems as though you are still summer (cite Merwin) - my chosen line

Thank you for your visit

feeling a bit melancholy 


Sunday, September 13, 2020

The Fox, Feather and Dream

Image Source   

mysteries of the silver tongue
words inked in a nocturnal realm
quilled ballads, forever unsung
mysteries of the silver tongue
dreams hidden from the morning sun
dying limbs of broken wing elms
mysteries of the silver tongue
words inked in a nocturnal realm


linking with The Sunday Muse

 Thank you for your visit!

Happy Sunday 

Monday, September 7, 2020

Do You Hear Me

Head, Music, Silhouette, Avatar, Profile
courtesy of pixabay



I hear you've been eavesdropping

on me, but, have you been listening

to my words


do you count the

syllables of my thoughts


do you  hear me softly

whispering my intentions

 into the night


is the message of my

heart audible to  your



 linking with dVerse

writing a quadrille 44 words

incorporating the word 
